For your reference, I have provided the EPA matrix listing Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Chemicals and their potential health effects. A larger view can be seen by clicking on the matrix and then once it appears in its own windown, click it again for a full-resolution zoon. The associated diseases are detailed by the following abbreviations:
A = Acute toxin (may cause harn through short exposure; e.g., burns, breathing problems)
C = Carcinogen (may cause cancer)
Ch = Chronic toxin (may cause damage over a period of years)
D = Development effects (may cause miscarriages or birth defects)
E = Environmental toxin (may harm wildlife)
M = Mutagen (may affect genes and chromosones)
N= Neurotoxin (may harm the nervous system - brain, nerves, spinal chord)
R = Reproductive effects (may affect male or female fertility)